Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New to this side of the blog page

Wow. Writing your own blog makes you feel a bit like a published writer. I feel a bit behind the times in starting a blog. It seems very 21st century to do so, like finally getting a cell phone with blue tooth....which I have yet to do. I'm not sure who'll want to read my ramblings, maybe just family. Family sticks by you that way, overlooking your idiosyncrasies. I always loved to write as a kid and teen. It's so freeing at times. Being a mommy though, who knows when I'll have time time. My day time is packed with kids and cleaning and other such wife/mom/adult things. Sleep is pretty important too. Any mom who has her sleep interrupted on a nightly basis a dozen or so times doesn't usually find herself relishing staying up late as was the early 20-something ritual. I'm too old for that now. Did I mention I like to ramble and rabbit trail? Writing on my iPad is interesting too. Hopefully my paragraphs will show up in subsequent blogs when I start using the desk top. For now, good night blogging world. It's nice to catch up with you.


  1. Mother,
    See, I told you I would check you out today! Good start to Your blog!
    Write like you are talking to you sister. With all the teaching, Learning and LOVE you would with her!
    We Blogger's are a close group and we post about EVERYTHING! And we learn a lot from each other! What I'm trying to say is, We may never meet "Face-to-Face", But we are "FAMILY"!
    SO....WELCOME to the family!

  2. Ferreted out your blog by following a comment you left me when I got my pekins. Been so busy, I'm only now getting around to checking it out! Welcome to the blogging world! It's lots of fun, even for people like me who tend to get lazy and not post regularly because we've got so much going on. Looking forward to reading! :)

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